Explore the Bible and Take an Adventure of Discovery
NavKids partners with families to help kids, from newborns to 6th grade, find Jesus and discover their next step in God’s story for their lives.
In their own small group communities on Sunday mornings, kids embark on a fun and engaging journey designed to grow their faith, tailored specifically to their age and stage of life. From playtime to music, and from lessons to discussions, every kid can expect a community that welcomes them as the incredible person they are.
Jesus called to his disciples and families. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these”.
At Navigation, we, too, embrace the opportunity each week to kneel down and look your little ones in the eye, to meet their gaze with kindness, enthusiasm, interest, compassion, and love. We are here to make a connection, and through that connection, introduce them to Jesus and the stories in the Bible on which we build our faith.
It’s our privilege to keep the children in the classrooms so that their parents may attend service without wrangling or worrying about their little ones. It’s important for parents and caregivers to be able to receive ministry, to hear the Pastor’s message, and know that their children are being cared for, loved, and taught from the bible.
No matter where you are on your family journey we want to come alongside as a guide to connect you to an authentic and real community and Christ that helps you grow a thriving everyday family faith. Explore applicable resources by selecting one or more of the guide buttons.
If you’ve ever struggled to answer a BIG question from your little one, we get it. A little help goes a long way in changing “I don’t know what to say” to “Let’s talk about it.” Use our Conversation Guides to walk through some of life’s challenging topics.
We believe as a parent or guardian, you are the “pastor” of your family. So don’t just leave the spiritual stuff to Sundays at church. Use our spiritual guides to navigate the opportunities you have to guide your family’s story together.
Sometimes it’s just time for a little family fun. Use our Activity Guides to discover safe, kid-friendly activities and events around St. Louis and the Metro East.
Sign up for our email class, and learn how Jesus helps you navigate life and find what you’re searching for.