Be real, ask hard questions, discover what’s next in God’s story for you.
Why does Jesus matter?
Everyone struggles to find purpose, answers, and help. Some days we just want to keep our heads above water. We all want to feel we have what it takes.
We also have deeper questions: Why am I here? Is this all there is? Who am I? Jesus matters because He came to answer our deepest questions. He came to give us purpose for living now and settle the question of where we will spend eternity.
You don’t have to measure up to some impossible religious standard to know God – you can’t, only Jesus can. Jesus brings meaning and purpose to all the struggles you’re facing.
If you are ready to meet Jesus, pray this prayer:
“Dear Lord Jesus, I admit that I’ve fallen short. I have sinned and need your forgiveness. I believe that you lived, died, and rose again so that I might be connected to God. I confess you as my Lord and commit my life to you. I give you my past, present, and future. Take my life and use it. I give it to you.”
Join us this Sunday at 9:05am or 10:45am in person or online.
Our location: 1205 Vandalia St., Collinsville, IL 62234
Christianity is not a solo sport. Not even Jesus walked alone. Everyone’s experiences are unique, and as we share our stories — our struggles, blessings, shortcomings, and freedom — we become the real and authentic image of Jesus that others see. We know that what you’re a part of is more important than the part you play. This is where our journey starts together.
Do you have 5 minutes after church on any first Sunday for a brief introduction with Pastor David? I hope you do; we really want to meet you. Take your first step, it’s that simple.
Community, a partnership would you, is what Jesus modeled with his disciples, and what we desire to have with you. Do you have 15 minutes after church on any second Sunday to hear what partnership means to us? I hope you do; we need each other.
Since we all traveled different paths, some in church and some new to church, this time is designed to clearly explain who we are and what we believe. Do you have 45 minutes after the second service on any third Sunday for lunch and to hear a basic introduction to our church community? I hope you do; we’re excited to celebrate our God story.
At this point you learned more about Navigation Church and how we partner with you in your walk with Jesus. It's time to get involved and invite someone to follow the same path you traveled. We ask for 15 minutes after church on any fourth Sunday so we can equip you with some tools to easily do this. Take your next step and give someone a personal invitation to find Jesus and discover what's next.
When we pray, we are making our requests known to a living God who loves us more than we can even comprehend.
Is there something going on in your life where you need God’s guidance? Do you have a need that only God can meet?
Prayer changes everything. Take a step today and ask God to step in. Submit a prayer request and our team will commit to praying with you.
Sign up for our email class, and learn how Jesus helps you navigate life and find what you’re searching for.